Dear Editor, About a year ago, I submitted a letter to the
Morgan Hill Times with regards to Proposition 8 and The Church of
Jesus Christ, of Latter-day Saints, which got a very negative
reception. I apologize to all who I inadvertently offended and
Letter writer apologizes to those who may have been offended
Dear Editor,
About a year ago, I submitted a letter to the Morgan Hill Times with regards to Proposition 8 and The Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter-day Saints, which got a very negative reception. I apologize to all who I inadvertently offended and hurt. I would like to give it another try. I have learned and grown a great deal in the last year, particularly about the history and current lifestyles of homosexuals. My view has been somewhat altered.
Homosexuals have a long and painful history. They were beaten, tortured and murdered for being who they were. Today, we see children at a young age bullying them and hurting them because they’re not “normal” and don’t fit the “gender stereotypes.” The biggest problem with this is many parents don’t care and don’t want to admit that maybe their children are doing this to other children. It’s sick and wrong. In the news, we read of more and more suicides committed by homosexuals who have been tormented by peers. We are all human and, no matter our sexual orientation, we should not ostracize one person over another.
Now, with regards to The Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter-day Saints, I would like to emphasize that as a church we do not condemn homosexuals. We do not turn them away and discriminate against them. Yes, some members do choose to completely reject and condemn homosexuals. Homosexuals are misunderstood … but so is our church as well, the oft-called “Mormon” church. The official statement issued by The Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter-day Saints with regards to same-sex marriage and Proposition 8 is, “Marriage between a man and a woman is the bedrock of society.” Period. No, we do not condone the acting on sexual inclinations that are often involved with homosexuality. But that does not affect or alter the love we have for our brothers and sisters.
I guess that’s the great thing about Democracy. We can agree to disagree and we have the right to express those opinions and positions to one another. Just as you have allowed me to share my opinion with you, you may, in turn, share your own. Once again, my purpose is not to offend, merely to apologize and correct the mistake I clearly made when I submitted my previous letter. This having been said, I will not look at any comments posted online in response to this letter. I received some harsh feedback from my last one and, seeing that this particular submission was not meant as a condemnation by any means, I have no desire to be condemned for what I have said. Again, I apologize to all who were offended by my previous letter. I apologize now in case anyone is offended by this submission. It certainly isn’t my intent. Thank you.
Christine Faulk, Morgan Hill