Salute to Muslim community; water board best bet; and please stop bashing Obama
Dear Editor,
As I contemplate the New Year, I still have not processed last year and here are a few reasons why I feel that way: As I read the last edition of the Morgan Hill Times on Saturday, there were a number of articles and opinion letters that brought these issues to mind. First of all thank you Mark Grzan for taking a week off.
Then there was the letter from Marc Perkel, a fellow liberal. Marc, I normally agree with your opinions and the one published last week was no exception, but I would like to change it a bit. I think that we could substitute the word “reality” with “American Citizen”. In other words, your statement at the end of your letter might read; “Let us all agree, no matter what party we identify with, to insist that the American Citizen comes first in determining what is the right thing to do for our country – choosing the American Citizen over “crazy”!
All we have to do is look back over the past few days to see what harm “crazy” can do to us as citizens and to OUR reality!
Speaking of politics, (and I love to) why is it that Jeff Smith uses his position as a community member on “Around the Water Cooler” weekly feature to consistently put down and complain about President Obama and his “cronies”?
Why can’t Jeff just answer the questions put to him by The Times? Jeff, I do not know you and I am not going to make this personal but purely political.
I must ask the question: If you follow politics as closely as you appear to do with your consistent complaining about the POTUS, why is it you cannot see that the Congress has become hopelessly gridlocked, the “leadership” in both Houses fractured, and now today, the complete inability to pass a vote on emergency relief for Hurricane Sandy victims!?
GOP governors and legislators in the states affected by this storm are livid nd mind-boggled by the actions of GOP Congressmen and women. I would think it incumbent to clean your house first before you decry the president of the United States!
I could go on forever, but I have a few more opinions about local issues. First, I congratulate the South Valley Islamic Community for blasting the violence and sexual assaults happening in the Middle East. Karen Musa, you are to be commended for taking this brave and correct stand regarding these horrific acts. As far as the “lawsuit” filed against your community and the county of Santa Clara; in my OPINION these folks had a few thousand dollars and could not wait to spend it. Apparently they don’t realize that the only winners in these cases are the lawyers. Karen, there are so many, many of us that stand in solidarity with your efforts. I want to ask these folks that filed this lawsuit where they were when your ground water was poisoned by the Olin Co. with the perchlorate spill?
We couldn’t even get San Martin residents to show up at meeting! I should know, I am still a volunteer on the Perchlorate Community Advisory Group, and have been for eight years. I DO care about San Martin!
Supervisor Mike Wasserman, cheers to you for attempting and succeeding in making improvements in the ordinances regarding South County sineries! Perhaps not everyone is completely happy, but I admire your attempt in improving these ordinances after many meetings with the stakeholders. It is a huge first step toward helping our local growers contribute to an important tourism industry here. Please keep communications open in an ongoing partnership to find the needed flexibility our growers need.
Finally, please allow me to add my voice to the loud positive chorus in endorsing Dennis Kennedy as Don Gages’ successor at the SVWD! There is no one that I can think of that is more qualified than Dennis! As a five-term mayor of Morgan Hill, someone who is VERY knowledgeable about water issues, (perchlorate contamination, Llagas Creek flooding, Anderson Reservoir, to name a few – and as a devoted champion of the environment) there is simply no one that has the knowledge, and cool head that this position requires. Please unite with me, in endorsing Dennis Kennedy for this vitally important position!
Swanee Edwards, Morgan Hill
Fair Tax proposal would usher in an incredible era of prosperity in the U.S.
Dear Editor,
During the second presidential debate, Mitt Romney pointed out that Canada’s tax on businesses is only 15% while that of the U.S. is 25%. Then he raised the question: “If you wanted to start a new business, would you rather start it in the U.S. or Canada?”
Both Romney and the president agreed that the income tax on businesses should be lower but they differ on HOW TO TWEAK THE INCOME TAX CODE to achieve this. Forget the income tax code; replace it with the FairTax! There’s been a FairTax proposal before Congress for more than a decade; it’s not been voted on yet.
Adoption of The FairTax would usher in a period of prosperity unlike that seen by any living American. On page 106 of “The FairTax Book” we find: “Economists estimate that in the first year after the FairTax becomes law, the economy will grow by 10.5%, exports will grow by 26% and capital spending will increase by more than 70%.”
Why hasn’t it already been adopted? Congress and the lobbyists! They thrive on the tax code plus it gives Congress great power over us citizens. If you have the opportunity, vote for a supporter of the FairTax.
Glen TerrelL, gg******@gm***.com